Monday, October 20, 2014

Why I Chose It Works! Global

So I was asked to tell you why I chose It Works as the company that I'm choosing to work with.  As many of you know, I have had a pretty bad tragedy in my life almost eight years ago.  Can you believe December 1 it will be eight years ago?  I’m on a mission to help women have more joy in their lives.  It feels like with or without a tragedy, a lot of us have lost ourselves.  I have two boys in College and they are just getting off on their own.  I’m kind of finding myself again.  Someone asked me the other day, “what do you enjoy?”  and it was so fun and so exciting to say, “I love horseback riding and I love talking to women and meeting new people.  It was fun to have an answer to that question.  There have been many years when I didn’t know the answer to that question.  I really do attribute a lot of that to being with It Works.  It’s being around like minded women and having a real purpose. 

A lot of people join It Works to make more money.  Some people are making $200-$300 a month and many people are making several thousands of dollars a month.  Just relieving that stress in so many families lives.  To bring in some extra money, it’s exciting to me that I can help people do that.  I want to teach people how to get out of debt and working with It Works, I can help them bring in some extra money so that they can get out of debt and start doing some of the things that they like to do. 

It Works motto is FREEDOM, FUN and FRIENDSHIPS and that’s what I am finding with this company.  I align so much with what their values are and I’m just having a blast!

If you would like some more information, please fill in the form below and I will get it sent out to you right away!

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